
Enjoying this adventure called life!


If Not Now, When?

What is it that you’ve been putting off ? We all have that list of things that we’ll get around to one of these days, right?  What’s on your “someday” list?  My list is fairly long, but I just crossed…..

Happy New Year!

Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve written here!  I’ve been busy with social media and blog posts on my other two sites: and our newly launched site  One Hand / One Glove is our site set…..

Winter Olympics Time!

Happy Friday!  I don’t know about you but I’m really excited for the 2018 Winter Olympics!  The Olympics seem to bring the world, well most of it, together for at least a little while.  We all could use a little…..

Reflections on 2017 and looking ahead to 2018

2017 has been a busy year for me, both personally and professionally.  My travels took me all over the country this year. From water ski and cycling competitions to family reunions and celebrations, I put some miles in on the…..

Happy Spring!

It’s almost April already – wow.  The giant pile of snow in the front yard is almost gone.  A month or two back you couldn’t see our street from the house.  We are grateful for the much needed rain and…..

Happy Holidays! (Yes “Holidays” because we’re kind of in between now aren’t we?)

So the page is about to turn to the last month of the year and it won’t be long and we’ll be opening a new calendar up to welcome in 2017.  Yes, it’s cliche to say “wow, how fast the…..

#optOutside on Black Friday

We love the Outdoors!  This Black Friday we’ll be outside because fresh air makes us feel free.  #OptOutside @REI

Happy Fall!

Well it’s been a busy month or two for us.  The sad part was saying goodbye to our beloved yellow Labrador, Apollo on September 1st.  Fifteen and a half years is a long life for a big boy like him…..

Lady Be Aware!

I think it’s nothing new that we as women need to be aware of our surroundings and to be proactive in our safety and that of our families in order to prevent becoming a victim.  Whether it be by avoiding…..

Monday in Corona (aka a day at Glen Ivy Hot Springs)

A Monday relaxing at Glen Ivy with my sweetheart!