Lady Be Aware!

D297D012-CE36-4221-9993-4C14445448CCI think it’s nothing new that we as women need to be aware of our surroundings and to be proactive in our safety and that of our families in order to prevent becoming a victim.  Whether it be by avoiding situations of potential conflict or danger or by being fulling prepared to combat at potential attacker, we need to have our eyes open.

This past Saturday I took the Lady Be Aware course offered by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s department.  $60 covered an all day course that included a morning of classroom instruction and an afternoon of hands on weaponless defensive maneuvers and a brief introduction to shooting and gun safety.  The classroom instruction covered situational awareness, identity protection, home defense/security, how to protect your children, etc.  The defensive tactics included several different techniques on how to combat an attacker – several of which we used on two poor Sheriff’s officers!  The final portion was time on the shooting range with a hand gun, rifle and shotgun.

Take away from the class:  be aware of your surroundings at all times;  if confronted with an uncomfortable situation, be loud – make your discomfort clear for all to hear; and if you have to engage, engage aggressively – because your life may depend on it.  Time and money well spent.

#SanBernardinoCountySheriff #LadyBeAware

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